The 7 Elements of Cybersecurity Services That Maintain Safety

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Elements of Cybersecurity Services | Digital innovation is reaching new heights, and most of us can’t wait to see what the future holds. This progress naturally comes with challenges and has led to an increase in demand for cybersecurity services. 2022 has yet to end, but cyberattacks have already cost $6 trillion in damages. This data is despite the $1 trillion global spending on cybersecurity in 2022.
This data proves there is a need for better cybersecurity measures at organizations to protect them from resulting loss. However, cybercriminals aren’t the only source of cyber risk. Your data security measures must also consider potential natural or artificial disasters that can damage knowledge reserves and digital operations.
This blog will address the seven elements we cover in our cybersecurity services and provide some routine tips
Percento Technologies has been in the IT industry for long enough to understand its critical cybersecurity measures. Our extensive experience and expertise have led us to divide them into seven different components based on which aspect they are over.
Data is priceless. It tells you about your audience, past, present, and future performance presents forecasts, etc. it also includes sensitive information about your strategic direction, potential launches, or intellectual property. Hence, data protection is a must.
Unfortunately, data breaches are common, and natural disasters have increased in the past few years, increasing your risk of data loss. Data protection services are the best solution to minimize this risk as they involve scaling up security at several levels.
This service includes establishing accessible backups, providing awareness workshops and training, and keeping everything updated.
Applications and software are a routine part of the digital world; we need them to manage work and operate. The only problem is that they often receive updates or upgrades in patches, which don’t always work. These patch failures are a common problem, but that doesn’t make them less risky.
Patch failures temporarily put your systems at risk while your team works to fix them. Patch management involves planning, scheduling, and executing patch upgrades to minimize or eliminate any danger during the process. That also includes pre-testing a few patches to check for chances of failures before deploying them to the central system.
Malware and viruses are common and harmful security threats that have led to billions of dollars of losses. Small businesses are the most vulnerable because they don’t have an IT team or relevant expertise to protect against them.
Malware protection is a multi-step process requiring safe parameters at different levels. You will need a core assessment to know your needs and set up an optimized firewall. There are also ransomware and insider fraud threats that malware protection covers to keep you secure.
Backup and recovery are a general feature of all cybersecurity services and focus on preserving data records. Backups are helpful in most emergency cases. For example, a natural disaster may destroy your data center, leaving every application, database, and process inaccessible.
Backup and recovery services maintain updated versions of data and application backups on remote servers or clouds. This tactic allows them to restore the backup after things stabilize, allowing employees to resume operations. The absence of these measures would leave companies without their core systems.
Vulnerability assessment, or risk assessment, is responsible for analyzing an organization’s cybersecurity threat and planning accordingly. This service conducts in-depth evaluations of existing measures and security threats and lays out a plan for reducing risk.
The plan includes basic measures, like changing Wi-Fi passwords regularly to more advanced measures, like buying proper anti-virus software support.
Ransomware attacks involve hackers breaching security and holding your data hostage until you fulfill their demands. These are money driven and can put you at considerable risk if you don’t have the funds. Additionally, you cannot know if they stole data and might release it or threaten it again.
The best solution is to set up relevant protection against malware, phishing, and similar threats. It will reduce the likelihood of successful cyberattack attempts, keeping you safe.
IT disaster recovery covers backup and data recovery services. The process involves assessing the feasibility of providing cloud and on-site data recovery solutions for maximum value. The reason you can benefit from having both lies in their characteristics.
On-site storage has limited data storage capacity but does not rely on the internet and has a relatively low downtime. It provides quick recovery allowing you to resume critical operations immediately. In contrast, cloud technology offers nearly unlimited space but takes time to make everything operational. Hence, having both is an optimal choice.
Percento Technologies can provide cybersecurity services to keep your organization safe. However, you can take a few steps to add to those efforts.
Human error is behind several data breaches, and avoiding that requires individual responsibility. Do not leave your system unlocked, and give the same advice to your team. It increases the risk of an unauthorized person knowing sensitive information.
Arranging guest Wi-Fi isn’t possible for everyone, but try it if possible. It will ensure that visitors, like customers or business partners, cannot access your primary network, leaving you more secure.
Software updates often make up for security loopholes, so keeping your applications and software up to date is necessary. The longer you delay this action, the longer you’ll remain at risk.
Lastly, make it a practice to review your financial statements after specific periods. This review is necessary, especially if your organization has someone embezzling funds or stealing data from the inside. The faster you catch them, the less risk you’ll be under.
We hope this blog was informative and helped you discover the many aspects of cybersecurity. Percento Technologies provides all these services and more, so you can contact our team to learn about our services.