4 Ways IT Consultants Can Help Your Healthcare Facility

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The healthcare industry has undergone several reforms. Healthcare forum discussions following the Affordable Care Act in the United States have helped fuel these changes. Under this act, the ability to provide affordable healthcare choices to patients benefits both the patients and the healthcare providers. IT Consultants can help lower the costs incurred by healthcare providers to achieve this.
Digitization can help bring healthcare providers one step closer to this goal. There is no need to put precious man-hours into filing large patient files. With the help of IT management services, medical staff can deliver high-quality and uninterrupted services to the patients.
IT consultants have reduced the spending of businesses across various industries by 40 percent. Additionally, they have also doubled the operational facility of organizations and substantially increased their productivity.
So, who’s to say that IT consultants can’t do the same for your healthcare facility?
In the current global crisis of COVID-19, hospitals, laboratories, and clinics all over the United States need more help than ever before.
Saving lives and keeping a record of a patient’s progress is at the forefront of a doctor’s responsibility right now. Distraction from administrative turmoil negatively impacts the efforts of those doctors that are fighting on the front lines against the coronavirus.
As such, the need to embrace IT consultancy is far greater today. An IT managed services company will contribute to the quality of healthcare delivery, improve patient safety, and decrease the risk of medical errors.
Additionally, after developing a deep understanding of the hospital’s or clinic’s needs, an IT consultant will also improve the organization’s overall operational efficiency.
Let’s take a look at a few ways hiring an IT consultant can help your healthcare facility flourish.
A doctor’s top priority is always the health and well-being of their patients. Unfortunately, if healthcare providers like doctors and nurses continuously have to deal with tech-related issues that slow down the hospital operations, then we have a problem.
Statistics show that around 12 million patients in the United States are misdiagnosed. Putting patient care on the back burner can heighten the risks of misdiagnosis and inefficient care even more. Moreover, in dire situations, the potential loss of patient records can prevent doctors from providing the best care to their patients.
With managed IT services on the clock, the healthcare staff can solely focus on their duties and attain peace of mind.
If your clinic still uses the old-fashioned paper-clip charts, it’s understandable to be afraid of going digital. After all, the transition requires some time and adjustments.
Even though going digital may not be considered a feasible option for small clinics, modern IT management services can implement smaller IT systems to gradually improve the operational efficiency of the clinic one step at a time. The ability to expand and grow the clinic’s processes gives doctors the flexibility that they can benefit from.
IT consultants can introduce EHRs, which are the digitized versions of the traditional patient charts that reap a range of benefits for the doctors and nurses using them. They reduce paperwork, ensure that the patient information is accurate, and reduce the need for unnecessary tests and procedures. They also help doctors increase the quality of their healthcare by accessing the patients’ medical records directly, and improve the coordination between doctors for the well-being of the patient.
84 percent of healthcare facilities that adopted HER are confident that their medical records are safe from unauthorized viewing. Furthermore, nurses have reported that EHR has reduced the overall time they spent documenting their shift by 24.5 percent!
Healthcare workers don’t have a 9-to-5 job. This concept is virtually tossed out of the window since any emergency or unfortunate circumstance can disrupt a doctor’s usual shift hours. This leads to less rest for medical professionals and adverse effects on productivity. Additionally, managing technical issues can be time consuming and take away attention from patient care.
IT management services can step in at any time to ease some strain for doctors’ longer shifts. By focusing on the hospital’s overall operations, IT services help doctors pay attention to the essential things—the patients—without worrying about filing paperwork or other any other time-consuming activities.
The world is quickly moving toward a place where patients are advised to seek help from doctors remotely. If your healthcare facility wants to improve its technical structure with the help of value-added tools and improve your overall operational performance, our IT management services can help you out.
At Percento Technologies , we have various IT support plans to help organizations achieve their goals. We provide managed IT services, network security, and backup solutions to help healthcare providers improve their optimal efficiency in trying times like the coronavirus pandemic. You can also store your patient medical records and ensure that they don’t fall into the wrong hands.
We also offer backup and disaster recovery services for your benefit. Get on track with digitization to help your healthcare facility offer better care and services. Get in touch for our IT services today.
Percento is a Professional IT Consulting, Implementation and Management firm. To find out how we can help your organization, please contact one of our friendly sales representatives. We can provide a review of your system and a comprehensive (No Obligation) proposal of services. Call today toll-free at 800.614-7886 [Austin | Dallas | Houston | League City | Sugar Land | The Woodlands | San Antonio] or email us at sales@percentotech.com